Friday, August 7, 2009

Day Six: evening of August 7th 2009

Well I finished watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I have mixed feelings about the movie. On the one hand I enjoyed the computer generated animation. The modeling, the play of light and shadow, the textures and the fluidity of motion were impressive. But I couldn’t get a handle on who the target audience was. I understand the underlying history and the fleshing out of the link between second episode to the third episode. The presentation of the faction generated intrigues of The Clone War and the culminating rescue of the ‘aw so cute’ baby Hutt by Anakin Skywalker and his Palawan (whose future does not seem to reach the third episode) vacillated between adult situations and oversimplified emotional events. As the film winds down, it’s no so much that I want more, but I know more is coming. I didn’t know it when the movie was released, but I found out that this movie was the set up a the cartoon series, which is now moving into its second season.
I didn’t watch the movie straight through, so I guess I’ll try it again. And I’ll check the TV listings to see when its cable program appears on the Cartoon Network (its in reruns and has episodes on at 9:30pm every day) and watch some of the episodes. I consider myself a fan, but nowhere near a fanatic, and I think of this as an average film.
The laptop worked well, and the hang ups with the video playback were indeed related to me shifting the computer around and activating the hard drive protection system, which locked the drive heads in a safe position.

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