Monday, September 21, 2009

Day Fifty: evening of September 21st 2009

I had to visit the dentist, today, to replace a crown. The Novocain has worn off, now, and there is a soft dull pain in the area above the tooth. The dentist warned me to be ready, if it did happen. I’ll take an Advil, later, before I go to bed. My new crown will be ready by October 9th , and I'll return to have it installed. This was the first time. I felt really dizzy after a procedure like this-old age?
I’ve been pretty much out of it, although, I managed to update the PlayStations (PS3) to 3.0.1, and play about a half an hour of Call of Duty 3. Either my skills have improved or I accidentally changed the difficulty level, because I actually breezed through a scenario that has consistently given me grief in the past without getting killed. Maybe, I should play a little dopey more often-nah! I enjoy playing clear-headed, especially if I’ve suspended disbelief. Tomorrow, Halo: ODST is out (really it’s out at midnight tonight) and I’ll go out after I walk the dog at noon. I hope that the game play will create an experience both visceral and intellectually challenging. We shall see tomorrow in the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr. Podraza,

    Do you check your email? I've sent you a couple.
