This morning I played Modern Warfare 2 again, right after I changed the kitty litter, of course. Then managed to get bogged down in the capture of the sub base. It was funny, I made it through both the stealth approach and the village fight with one or two setbacks, but then the sub base. One and a half hours spent trying to beat the clock. Two minutes from the first shot until reaching the check point. A helicopter, armored troop carriers, troop trucks, and 30 to 40 armed troops, whose mission was to prevent our group from reaching that check point. I can control a Predator armed with missiles that I can control. The supply is unlimited, but there appears to be a twenty to thirty second arming time, so judicious use is important.
My opening shot is a cooked off grenade over as small group of guards by the gate, follower by taking out the helicopter and some nearby troops (big explosion). Then it deteriorates into a street fight with three possible paths, left, right, and center. Sticking with some of you group is important. The left path takes you through a building with three or four tangos and then out into the open toward a central building that happens to be the destination of the troops choosing the central path. Joining forces to fight our way through the covered way sounds like a good idea, especially if the Predator is used to thin out some of the enemy troops in front of you. This opens into parking area and a road way with an area packed with large shipping crates (good cover, if you have time and you don’t). Just about thirty meters beyond this staging area is the checkpoint. Oh, there are some two story buildings ringing the checkpoint, of course the are no snipers there - not. It’s a nice killing field. Ultimately, after trial and error (heavy on the error), I chose the right side to travel down. Your right flank is protected by building with some gaps, filled with enemy soldiers. Your left is afforded some broken protection with a petrol truck and a large petrol storage container, all very flammable/explosive. Rather than wait for it to explode next to you, the Predator targets them and any nearby troops. This can clear a path to the next gap, and then the end of the above mentioned roadway. If you wait to long at any of the gaps, you’ll become a sitting duck and you’ll run out of time.
Once you reach the end of the road a troop truck will appear, requiring immediate interdiction by the Predator. If you have about 40 seconds left at this point, you have a good chance of making through. Stay with your mates as much as possible, and remember the two story building crewed by snipers. There is a point when you about 12 meters away from the checkpoint when you have to make the decision whether to be cautious or make a dash for it. Out of four tries, I succeeded once. I swore I had covering fire, but those darn snipers weren’t suppressed. I did some quick fire as I dashed on that final try to see, if I could keep their heads down. Something worked that last try. That was a good feeling which lasted about two seconded and then the final part of the mission kicked in. We had to cover an operative and defend our second store loft. Claymores, Predator strikes, and some sniping completed the mission, as they say in literary circle, almost anticlimactic.
I played some Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops challenges and finished off by heading into Borderlands for zombie control. I think there are four more scenarios left in CoD: MW2, and that will be the end of the veteran challenge. Huzzah!
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