Monday, December 28, 2009

Day One Hundred forty-eight: evening of December 28th 2009

Today was a recovery day. I’m glad that we did a lot of the straightening up yesterday, because I fell asleep just about anywhere I sat down. We were able to go out and run some errands in the afternoon. When we returned, I loaded up Borderlands for a couple hours. I reached Level 49 before I broke for supper.
As I look back, I’m amazed at the way the game generates the opposition. I mean the kinds of creature are anchored to the location, but the actual strength and abilities of the creature are scaled up to match the advanced abilities of the player. More boss battles are against creatures or individuals that really requires assessing the threat level of the boss and any other of the multiple attackers, especially, if you plan to survive. Remember, regeneration costs, based on the funds that you possess-more funds=more payment due after regeneration.
When dinner was over, I walked the dog, fed the pets dinner, and settled in to see how much closer I could get to Level 50. Right now, I’m about 75 percent complete, and looking forward to the addition of the final points needed to advance. I also am wondering what I’ll do after I reach the level limit.

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