The iPhone was the most used device today.
In the morning, the local television station had a promotional activity that I thought would be fun to enter. There were two parts; one part was an online chat room where viewers could ask questions of the on-the-air personnel. I didn’t really have any questions, so I passed on that. But sending an image of you watching the program sounded like fun, so I took part in that activity. My laptop was open, so I turned on the Photobooth application, which activates the built-in video camera, positioned it so that laptop was between me and the television screen, made sure you could see me on the screen in front their broadcast on the TV. Then I took my iPhone positioned so it captured my image on the laptop and the morning news crew on the screen behind it. A few experimental shots and I had an acceptable image, which was emailed from my iPhone with a caption that read something like “Nothing like multitasking while watching the morning news.” The tag stating it was sent from my iPhone followed.
Then, I watched the rest of the program to see if I had made the cut and the news crew would show my ‘masterpiece’. I had regressed to that old child like state of unbridled anticipation. How do I document my success? Of course, I’ll capture it on video with my little iPhone. I could have turned my laptop around, but it was the iPhone that I had in my hand. For the next hour and a half, I watched and recorded each segment that dealt with the chat room, followed by sent in images. I guess I wasn’t cute enough, my daughter told me I looked to serious, before she left for work. I guess she was right, most of the images shown were of smiling happy families, fans with sports jerseys on, and a Fire Station crew (I would have shown that over mine). As the program was coming to a close, the second to the last segment, my spirits flagging, I noticed, as one of the crew was hanging some of the recent photos, off to the side the familiar layout of my photo. Why had I stopped recording? To late it had past by, but there would be one more appearance of the promotional segment before the news show ended (I had forgotten that I could have recorded the show on the DVR cable hook-up - D’oh). I was ready for that final segment, and I missed it. The initial angle made it difficult to discern the image. When it was more visible, I had lost my chance to capture the better image. Mild depression set in, but the ‘D’oh’ turned into ‘Aha!’ as I remembered the DVR.
To make an already too long a story short, I got my shot. I could make out my little masterpiece. I was validated, and I felt goood. When will I grow up!
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