I play Mass Effect 2 for about six hours today. I was very impressed with so many aspects of it that describing it would require writing a review, but my review would mirror what other reviewers are saying.
How good is it. After about thirty minutes, I’m thinking about maintaining my values in relationship to game play. I’m wondering how long can I test my relationship with one character before I endanger their loyalty to the mission and me. Its gun battles are intense, requiring ‘pin and flank’ tactics. You have to pay attention to your surroundings for clues, supplies, and cover. This description could go on for a long time, but I want to play the game.
One other thing, I think I was successful setting up a simple RAID mirror arrangement just a little while ago. It’s sort of strange. I thought the two drives would appear as separate entities, but no, it’s single drive which shows duplicates of any file copied. That’s why I say, ”I think I was successful…”
Well, I’m going to get a diet Coke, and get ready for bed – not. ME 2 here I come, after walking the dog of course.
For as long as it is needed, I’ll keep closing this way, please check out a good organization that’s providing aid in Haiti and make whatever kind of contribution that you can afford.
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