No video games today, I’ve got to make sure everybody is ready for work. Well, that’s not entirely correct, I did check to make sure the Fallout 3 downloads worked on the PS3, and managed to fall asleep while I began a new adventure.
The balance off the day was spent working on a poster for a high school Halloween dance. My daughter has been the sponsor of this dance the past two years. I’ve done the posters for each of those dances, so it was time to hit Photoshop, and Safari again. Safari was used to search for ‘scary clowns’ and Photoshop to manipulate the images. So far I’ve done three drafts, two have not had the desired effect, and the third rough draft is wending it way through the internet, and it will probably take awhile before it shows up in my daughter’s email, due to its size (approximately 1.2 megs.)
I keep forgetting just how complex the whole email message process is when I mail large documents. This is where the web concept comes into play. Simply put, your document is broken up into packets, routed through various strands of the web and reassembled at the destination when all the parts have arrived. Originally, the web, ARPANET at the time, was set up with multiple links to multiple nodes for security reasons (Department of Defense). If any one node fails, the multiplicity of links can re-route the packets, ultimately ensuring the arrival of all packets, and creating the complete message. I’m amazed at how something so complex can function without anyone recognizing the complexity. A hint of this surfaces when a large file is sent and it seems to take a long time before it arrives and is assembled at its destination. Amazing!
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