There was some video gaming today, a little bit of Fallout 3 on the PS3. Otherwise, I spent most of my time working on a Halloween poster and some more slide digitizing.
As I was scanning in the my transparencies, I noticed how good my ship, the USCGC Dallas, looked in the shots. That white hull, and sleek lines translated into some interesting shots. I’m sure being a part of the crew and the pride that goes along with that membership might have had something to do with it.
I’m out of practice working with Photoshop, but thanks to Goggle searches, most of my problems were solved. Typing in a specific tool, or a desired effect, usually resulted in a number of hits, but beware, some of the tutorial or step-by-steps were confusing or had video clips that didn’t launch. I could find a solution after four or five clicks. Another interesting occurrence were the times the tutorials had slightly different steps, but the end result was on the money. If I had the desire, I might actually check out Adobe, to see what the party line is regarding that operation.
xbox 360 has beter graphics loads faster better dlc and they have a few xbox only items in the game... so 360 win ps3 epic phail the only good this about it is the blue ray.
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