I last night I printed out the manual for the Mac/PC version of Dragon Age: Origins, and wondered why I didn’t check out the console manual as much as I did this version. I know that one reason was that the is greater access to controls on the PC version. I think that the description of the characters and related information is about the same. In the PC/Mac version there are two pages devoted to the keyboard and mouse control. I fooled around a bit with the Mac version before I quit - 20 minutes at most.
I don’t why I was so exhausted today. The only thing that I added to yesterday’s activities was washing the dog. Granted, it required a bit more energy, but not so much to require almost a full day’s worth of recuperation (naps). But that is what happened, about five hours of on again off again resting. It wasn’t until about four o’clock (16:00) that I finally leveled out and started playing Dragon Age: Origins on the Xbox 360 Pro in the living room. I had forgotten that I was playing as an elf magi - interesting as I actually talked my way through a number of situation (a Coercion Skill). After about an hour and before I quit, I selected my set of battle skills. It was interesting to see how many spell can generate friendly fire damage. Luckily for me this is activated in the normal and higher levels of difficulty, so I didn’t have to worry about it, because I was playing on easy.
Later in the evening, as I was checking for updates, I discovered that the Razer Orochi Bluetooth mouse finally had the driver for the Mac, so I downloaded it and tried to install it. I had a bit of a problem activating the Bluetooth link, but discovered that I needed to set up the mouse with it hooked up through the USB port (that information was on the Orochi control in the OS System prefs). It took me about ten minutes. Not bad, considering it would have been faster if I had opened the control for the device first. Next, replacing that Bluetooth mouse with it with another Bluetooth mouse. I wish I had remembered the procedure for doing this, but I remembered to remove the old drivers and firmware updates. Overall it took about twenty minutes to do this. Luckily, Toshiba had a set of applications help set this kind of operation up. My problem materialized when I tried working through the standard search procedure. After fooling around for awhile I remembered the application and five minutes later things seem to be working - a small success.
For as long as it‘s needed, I’ll keep closing this way, please check out a good organization that’s providing aid in Haiti and make what ever kind of contribution that you can afford.
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