There is a minor improvement in the malaise induced by the cold. The congestion ebbs and flows, but the nose has ceased its continual drip – hoorah. Generally the original statement and the follow up comment of the next day didn’t change. But today there were some additions. The morning was filled in with some email replies, and because of the wonders of nature, shoveling snows was completed around 1:30 pm. Once I cooled off, I settled into the routine described below
“A huge cold front has moved into my sinuses, and I’m pretty much down for the count. Aside from a few hours of Mass Effect 2 (on casual), I barely made it through my chores. I was trying to accomplish biotic attack combinations, or a ‘force is with you’ one, two punch. Some times I was on target, and sometimes I missed. I wonder how much my cotton filled head had something to do with the negative performances. I know playing the game took my mind off of the congestion, but only briefly. There was no stopping the dripping nose.”
‘So today, just imagine a 63-year-old guy sitting in a recliner, the TV on and a handkerchief and channel changer resting on his chest. It didn’t matter what he was watching, because no sooner than he began to recognize what was on he drifted back to sleep. That was me until about three o’clock in the afternoon, and then Mass Effect 2 was engaged.’”
I’ve improved with my biotic combos, but I leave cover to soon.
I, still, hope I’ll feel even better tomorrow. We shall see.
For as long as it is needed, I’ll keep closing this way, please check out a good organization that’s providing aid in Haiti and make whatever kind of contribution that you can afford.
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