I pulled an all-niter playing Dragon Age: Origins and can see how my character is getting in over his head. I’m not sure about what to pick as I level up. I’ve selected skills that relate to close order combat and archery-the near and the far-but have hardly used the later as I engage in combat. I haven’t gotten a handle on shifting from bow to two bladed combat and back. In other words, I’m having problems with ranging.
Another area of apparent failure, is interpersonal relation. The decisions that I make impact my compatriots in positive and negative ways. What happens when one character has accumulated a lot of negative opinions about my chooses of action? I don’t want to lose a character because of to excessive negative vibes. I shall see.
The balance of the day flipped between naps, burning backup DVDs for my wife, and answering questions about installing Windows XP on her Boot Camped Mac. It just wouldn’t load. When she returned home, I checked and found that the back surface of the DVD was pretty scuffed-up. I buffed up the DVD and made a backup copy. I’ll see if it works tomorrow. If it doesn’t work I’ll try finding an online disk image of the XP install disk and download it. The original disk is ours, along with the key, so I don’t think it will be a problem. The reason behind all of the PC frenzy is the arrival of an engraver that is run through a PC, and she is trying to set up her iMac to emulate a PC. Thus the need for Boot Camp and Windows XP. If all else fails, I’ll dust off the old Sony Viao.
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