I decided to start Fallout 3 over again, this time changing gender, and becoming as evil as I can. I was playing as a female on the PlayStation 3, but I was playing it as a ‘goodie two shoes’. I stopped playing it on the PS3, because I wanted to advance with some or all the downloadable content loaded (the DLC was supposed to be out , or at least some of it, by now-ah delays). The primary platform for Fallout 3 was the Xbox 360, followed by the PC and the PS3.
I wonder if there is a blog that journals the adventures of someone’s character? The follow up question might be, “Would the adventure read like Samuel R. Delany’s Dhalgren?” If it hasn’t been done, it sounds like something worth trying.
I don’t remember exactly how long I played, an hour and a half, maybe. While I was completing the escape from Vault 101 and was just about to enter The Wasteland , when my wife returned and I had to save and get ready for dinner. One of the issues with repeat play is familiarity factor. In other words, you have more than an inkling about what is going to happen. It might not be the exact reoccurrence, but “Forewarned is forearmed.” Well that is the case here. I’m hoping that my memory will be a little off, and history might change because I’m playing on the ‘Dark Side’. We shall see.
After having dinner and walking the dog, I played a couple of hours of Battlefield 1943. I averaged about 80 to 90 experience points. The highest game was 143, and the lowest was 38. My wife called and needed my help, she was shopping with her mother, and I stopped to help her. Luckily the current game was just ending so it was not a problem to quit.
I don’t think that I’ll be able to play either of those games tomorrow, I’m visiting the dentist again. I guess I’ll be bringing the netbook with.
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